Sunday, March 11, 2007


I am so very glad our paths crossed and thank you for the opportunity to share some things that I hope will positively affect you for the rest of your life!

During your time here it is my goal to expand your thought process by removing the limitations that may have blocked you in the past from realizing the happiness and success that you genuinely deserve.

Over the time that you choose to spend here, I will be explaining some powerful strategies specifically included for the sole purpose of enhancing your life. You will also learn about a unique combination of recording techniques that have been constructed to allow very specific, audibly enhanced, messages for both your conscious and sub-conscious minds called the ESR Method. A cascading audio effect submerging you in a mentally cleansing bath of sound for the mind, body, and soul.

ESR means Extreme Subconscious Reinforcement. And believe me, that is an exact definition of what that process does. This method was developed from the combination of: Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Subliminal Recording, Positive Auto-Suggestion and Genuine Dichotic Enhancement. You just can't find another product ANYWHERE on planet Earth that has been produced with this powerful combination of life-changing techniques. The final product of this manufacturing process has produced a growing number of individuals offering their personal testimony to the wonderful effects that this system has had on their lives - many, astonishingly, within 3 days of listening to the CD! But we'll talk more about that later.

For now, though, look at these following words very carefully:

- Focus is the attention you apply to your goals.
- Imagination is the substance from which your goals are constructed.
- Desire is the feeling you have for your goals.
- Commitment is the dedication you express toward their attainment.


I am here to help you realize the power behind each one of these ideas you that we can both better assure your successful transition into the dynamic individual you wish to be. By working together I am quite confident we can leverage the way you might currently think about things and change your over all belief systems in some that is far more positive which will bring you closer to attaining the things you really want out of life.

They say that “Information is Power.” I suggest that “The Utilization of Information is Power.” There is no limit to what you may become once you set aside the limited programmed boundaries that our society has placed within you - partly as a level of control - and partly by default because creativity naturally has a tendency to color outside the lines. Though you cannot truly unlearn something, you can correct it with new and better information. Information that, when utilized, can profoundly affect how almost every situation turns out for you in very positive ways.

Some people want to change their income while others wish to develop stronger self-confidence and speaking skills. Many simply wish to find the answers for a happier family life, while others are seeking to find happiness, period. Whatever it is you wish to resolve and add to who you are, it is my intention to help you accomplish, but you have to do your part. Just as you have conversations while you work or drive or jog or ride your bike, I urge you to mentally participate in the things I ask you to imagine. But - safety first. If you are listening to the audio version this - ALWAYS be aware of what you are doing as to not put yourself or others at risk.

Now, if you happen to be part of the 95% of the the people on this planet that saw the movie The Matrix, you will remember what humans had been reduced to. Morpheus held up a Duracell to Neo and explained that the human body was being used as a battery. Basically to provide a service in the form of energy to the machines that fed them. But the whole relationship was one-sided and involuntary. The entirety of the world’s population was being harvested to serve higher masters – completely oblivious to what was truly going on around them.

Of course nothing that drastic is going on in our lives (we hope), but let me ask you this: Have you ever felt like there’s something more out there? Something more to be experienced? Something calling your name that would surely bring more joy to your life if you could just figure out what it is? Because of the routines that we allow ourselves to fall into, we let life become comfortable like a baggy sweat suit and eventually we lose our desire for new and thrilling experiences. This sad level of complacency results in us basically having reduced ourselves down to that of a worker bee providing services to others so that we may buy our food, rest, and serve them some more the following day. We become little more than that human battery in the movie as we try to make end meet while living from paycheck to paycheck. Though there are many that profess to being content in that non-progressive rut, there are others such as yourself that aspire to having more. More for themselves. More for their families. More for the people that they choose to give of themselves to versus being caught in the loop of spending their life moments chasing their bosses dreams instead of chasing their own.

It is my expressed goal to convince you that you are right in your desire to expand beyond your current existence. I intend to fan the flames of your imagination so that you may begin to construct more powerful building blocks to base your future on.

Do no harm! - and - Do that which is right!
Everything else left is there for the taking!

Should you ever be so compelled, please feel free to check out a couple of interviews that I was blessed to be a part of with Nancy & Elena over at...

Beyond The Ordinary ( )

...where they "Make Known the Unknown!" The interviews are there for you to listen to by streaming directly to your computer. Because of the awesome effort and compounded levels of enlightenment that pours from their webcast, I urge everyone I can to help them out by becoming a Warrior of Unlimited Mind. Even just 10 bucks a month - about 33 cents a day (three dimes and three pennies for goodness sake!) would go a long way in helping to ensure that they stay 'on the air' and FREE to all that might find their way to the light that BTO has to offer. Between their live webcast and their 'continuous feed' archive, the world has a 24/7 tap on their heart felt, life changing efforts. Whether you decide to help out or not, I urge you to take a moment and see what they have to offer. If you're not real careful, you might end up learning something! (grin)

Also, be sure to check out http://AllowingSuccess.Com to discover the KEY to unlocking your Genuine Potential and what you can do to Remove what has been holding you back...


Sincerely and without hesitation,

Beyond The Ordinary
( )

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