Not your physical location – but where are you along the path of possibilities? I ask about where you are according to your own ruler; your own map of achievable things that you can accomplish. It is that ruler or map that you come up with as your point of reference that encompasses your capabilities AND your limitations! That which you believe are genuine possibilities in your life are what you have to choose from as a basis for your personal potential! What you can perceive, you can begin to believe, and that which you believe you can step confidently along the path to achieving. By asking you to come up with an answer to “Where are you?” I hope to put you in the mind-set of being able to perceive yourself along an imaginary scale that has a starting point, where you are in reference to that starting point, and where you would genuinely like to be. This exercise will help you so much in the clarification of your desires. Here, though, is the clincher: It is not important where you are along the map that you imagine. What is important is what you have included on your map of possibilities for you to choose from. What opportunities do you consider obtainable within your system of measurement? The more people I asked this question, the more I realize that most of us are stuck. Not stuck in one place along their map or scale of measurement, but stuck because of their lack of obtainable possibilities that they have allowed to be considered in the first place! Simply put, the map of achievable possibilities for most individuals includes so little for them to choose from that it is no longer a mystery as to why there is so much misery! And, it's not misery from failure. It's more so from the lack of options that they seem to have in their lives. Again, the limitations that they seem to be living under are derived from a set of beliefs that they, at some point in their lives, have accepted as being the truth; accepted as being carved in stone with no hope of change. If you haven’t detected this so far, it is my contention that you CAN add to your list of possibilities. You CAN alter your map and include other potential destinations and accomplishments that might not have seemed available to you in the beginning.
Here is the initial dilemma though: During the first few years of your life you are handed a relatively vast number of "do's" and "don'ts". These "rules" begin at a very early age to forge your system of beliefs above and beyond your capacity to logically reason. It is this programming that we must begin to review to unveil what in your life is not your fault and, more importantly, what is. Up until some unknown point on your life’s map, you were guided entirely by the overlaid beliefs of those that were in charge of seeing to it that you were taken care of. At some point in your life, you began to notice more things for what they actually are versus what you initial perception of them. You began to question why it is that you do some of the things that you (and others) do. One by one, as the opportunity presented itself, you began to evaluate the beliefs that were handed down to you. You would either further accept a particular 'rule or belief' or one by one you would find a reason to reject it. It is during those times of self-evaluation that you start losing the ability to blame your past for all that is in your life. You begin to gain more responsibility in whom and what you are becoming as start taking an active role in discovering what it is that you are choosing to believe on your own. As a result of your own developing separate identity , exercising your freedom to choose for yourself, the process of self definition begins to internally audit one belief at a time, once more saving the information but this time tagged with Accepted, Rejected, or Need To know More. If there is one thing that has stuck with me from all of those years of Saturday Morning Cartoons, it is that G.I. Joe is right! "Knowing Is Half The Battle!" More specifically, once you are aware of a situation, condition, or how it is that you came to believe a certain way about something, it is then transferred from simply being programming in your past to being something that you either continue to accept, OR something that you now discard as either being incorrect or no longer useful. Either way, you have now taken responsibility of whatever it is that you have been believing or living by up until that point.
Once you "know" something, the responsibility is transferred to you in at least one respect. And that is that if what you "know" is allowed to continue to exist, or function, or happen, or whatever the specific conditions are, then it is directly a result of you deciding to NOT change what is allowing it to 'continue' in the first place. "Knowing" IS half the battle, but the other half is what you decide to do with the "knowledge" once you have it. If it never occurred to you that you believe a particular way about something that you have accepted all of your life because of the programming that took place in your youth, then, for that particular issue, you can not yet take the responsibility for it. But, if you HAVE contemplated a specific notion, and choose to allow it to remain in your life as being a truth, then you have taken responsibility for that particular rule, or thought, or issue, and can no longer blame your past for it being a part of your condition in life. Once you are aware of something, the "Genie", so to speak, is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. You simply must take responsibility for your own life. If you don't, then you are sure to fall into the never ending sadness of consistently blaming others for your life's blight and lacking. I contend that this is not the way life truly is. I contend that we all have better options in life directly derived from the choices that we allow ourselves to make. Yes, that's right. The choices that we allow ourselves to make.
The first step in moving forward is to unlearn your self-imposed system of limitations and realize that a world of possibilities awaits you once you released and let go of your limited way of viewing life. We must realize that life starts out with truly unlimited possibilities. TRULY UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES. We get stuck in life through external negativity and by not paying attention to what our minds are storing. We begin to believe irresponsible statements that build up over time and reduce our measurable scale of life forging our maps to default into endless circles ensuring that we persist in going nowhere fast.
I have to ask you – When you think about it that way, why in the world wouldn’t you want to change what is going on? If our lives are lived out by the rules that our minds pull from then why not change the rules? Why not become responsible for what gets put into the storage bank that your mind is destined by design to pull from?
The moment you agree to do this your scale of possibilities begins to expand. Your life’s potential increases and it becomes conditioned so that more genuinely attainable desires begin to come into your field of view. Possibilities that were, in fact, were there all along, but were hidden from your imposed, self or otherwise, field of view. Possibilities that you may choose to add to your list of personal goals or not – but that IS the point: To realize what is truly available in life so that you are not limited by your prior programming. Only then can you truly know where you are on your perceivable scale of life as well as where it is you would like to be at different points in the future. When you take the responsibility for where you are in life, you posses the power and control to directly affect where it is that you go from that moment forward. When you stop blaming actions and events that happened in the past, you take the reigns of life and begin to positively direct the outcome of what is to unfold with you literally in the center of unlimited possibility.
Sincerely and without hesitation,
Beyond The Ordinary
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Be sure to check out http://AllowingSuccess.Com to discover the KEY to unlocking your Genuine Potential and what you can do to Remove what has been holding you back...
Here is the initial dilemma though: During the first few years of your life you are handed a relatively vast number of "do's" and "don'ts". These "rules" begin at a very early age to forge your system of beliefs above and beyond your capacity to logically reason. It is this programming that we must begin to review to unveil what in your life is not your fault and, more importantly, what is. Up until some unknown point on your life’s map, you were guided entirely by the overlaid beliefs of those that were in charge of seeing to it that you were taken care of. At some point in your life, you began to notice more things for what they actually are versus what you initial perception of them. You began to question why it is that you do some of the things that you (and others) do. One by one, as the opportunity presented itself, you began to evaluate the beliefs that were handed down to you. You would either further accept a particular 'rule or belief' or one by one you would find a reason to reject it. It is during those times of self-evaluation that you start losing the ability to blame your past for all that is in your life. You begin to gain more responsibility in whom and what you are becoming as start taking an active role in discovering what it is that you are choosing to believe on your own. As a result of your own developing separate identity , exercising your freedom to choose for yourself, the process of self definition begins to internally audit one belief at a time, once more saving the information but this time tagged with Accepted, Rejected, or Need To know More. If there is one thing that has stuck with me from all of those years of Saturday Morning Cartoons, it is that G.I. Joe is right! "Knowing Is Half The Battle!" More specifically, once you are aware of a situation, condition, or how it is that you came to believe a certain way about something, it is then transferred from simply being programming in your past to being something that you either continue to accept, OR something that you now discard as either being incorrect or no longer useful. Either way, you have now taken responsibility of whatever it is that you have been believing or living by up until that point.
Once you "know" something, the responsibility is transferred to you in at least one respect. And that is that if what you "know" is allowed to continue to exist, or function, or happen, or whatever the specific conditions are, then it is directly a result of you deciding to NOT change what is allowing it to 'continue' in the first place. "Knowing" IS half the battle, but the other half is what you decide to do with the "knowledge" once you have it. If it never occurred to you that you believe a particular way about something that you have accepted all of your life because of the programming that took place in your youth, then, for that particular issue, you can not yet take the responsibility for it. But, if you HAVE contemplated a specific notion, and choose to allow it to remain in your life as being a truth, then you have taken responsibility for that particular rule, or thought, or issue, and can no longer blame your past for it being a part of your condition in life. Once you are aware of something, the "Genie", so to speak, is out of the bottle and cannot be put back in. You simply must take responsibility for your own life. If you don't, then you are sure to fall into the never ending sadness of consistently blaming others for your life's blight and lacking. I contend that this is not the way life truly is. I contend that we all have better options in life directly derived from the choices that we allow ourselves to make. Yes, that's right. The choices that we allow ourselves to make.
The first step in moving forward is to unlearn your self-imposed system of limitations and realize that a world of possibilities awaits you once you released and let go of your limited way of viewing life. We must realize that life starts out with truly unlimited possibilities. TRULY UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES. We get stuck in life through external negativity and by not paying attention to what our minds are storing. We begin to believe irresponsible statements that build up over time and reduce our measurable scale of life forging our maps to default into endless circles ensuring that we persist in going nowhere fast.
I have to ask you – When you think about it that way, why in the world wouldn’t you want to change what is going on? If our lives are lived out by the rules that our minds pull from then why not change the rules? Why not become responsible for what gets put into the storage bank that your mind is destined by design to pull from?
The moment you agree to do this your scale of possibilities begins to expand. Your life’s potential increases and it becomes conditioned so that more genuinely attainable desires begin to come into your field of view. Possibilities that were, in fact, were there all along, but were hidden from your imposed, self or otherwise, field of view. Possibilities that you may choose to add to your list of personal goals or not – but that IS the point: To realize what is truly available in life so that you are not limited by your prior programming. Only then can you truly know where you are on your perceivable scale of life as well as where it is you would like to be at different points in the future. When you take the responsibility for where you are in life, you posses the power and control to directly affect where it is that you go from that moment forward. When you stop blaming actions and events that happened in the past, you take the reigns of life and begin to positively direct the outcome of what is to unfold with you literally in the center of unlimited possibility.
Sincerely and without hesitation,
Beyond The Ordinary
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Be sure to check out http://AllowingSuccess.Com to discover the KEY to unlocking your Genuine Potential and what you can do to Remove what has been holding you back...
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